General conditions - House rules
Check in - from 15h00
Check out - before 11am
Early check in: on request. Early check ins are not guaranteed Late check out: free on request and subject to availability until 12h30. From 12h30, there is a charge of €25 per half hour. From 16h00 an extra night will be charged.
Boutique hotel Marie Marie is a 100% non-smoking hotel. Smoking in the building or in the room is prohibited. An additional fee of €250 will be applicable in case of non-compliance with this ban.
A smoking area is available on the terras.
A house lift is available. The rooms are sufficiently spacious for wheelchair use (mainly the superior rooms), but not specially equipped for this purpose. Please feel free to contact us before your booking or stay for more information.
Animals are not allowed in the hotel. An additional fee of €250 will apply in case of non-compliance with this prohibition.
Boutique hotel Marie Marie (Urban Monkey Bv) is not liable for theft or damage or loss of items that occurred in the hotel. Damage as well as theft to or in the rooms/property of Boutique hotel Marie Marie (Urban Monkey Bv) will be charged.
Flexible reservations:
Up to 3 nights 3pm before arrival: no charge.
Between 3 nights 3pm and 1 night before arrival: 1st night charged.
Day of arrival, no-show or early departure: 100% of the total reservation amount will be charged.
Groups (from 3 rooms) may have different cancellation conditions. You will be contacted by the hotel in this case. Prepaid reservations : the total booking amount may be charged at any time after the reservation and cannot be refunded or modified.
Groups (from 3 rooms) may have different cancellation conditions. You will be contacted by the hotel in this case.